Introducing Your One Stop Lottery Shop

I no longer support Lottobroker! Read all about why I think Lottobroker Can’t Be Trusted.

What Lottobroker Has To Offer To The Lottery Customer

  • Our Prices Are Way Better Than Anyone Else: Well who wouldn’t want to save a bit of money when buying theirFord Mustang Lottery lottery tickets online right? There’s only one way to find out if that’s true, I’m going to have to take the bullet for you guys by joining and see how accurate a statement this really is. Stay tuned for an update guys.
  • They have 3 group games that multiply the chances of winning by 100 and 500 for only 2-4 times of the normal price: That sounds really interesting, but I reckon that the only way I will fully understand what he means is by joining them to see exactly what they have to offer.
  • You Can Use PayPal To Buy Lottery Tickets Online: From what I can understand you can’t actually buy your lottery tickets online with PayPal, but you can use PayPal to deposit money into your account from which you then withdraw money to purchase your lottery tickets.

You Can Pay For Online Lottery Tickets With PayPal!

I don’t know abut you but as far as I’m concerned this will be a major drawcard! I know this because I’ve gotten heaps of emails asking me whether or not there was an online Lottery broker who allowed you to pay for your lottery tickets with PayPal. Until now Oz Lotteries has been the only one I know of but the majority of them want one that will allow them to participate in lotteries other than Australian ones. With any luck could be the one. I’ve just become a member and I’ve just deposited $20 using PayPal! Don’t forget to read my next post to learn of my experience.

Edit: Lottobroker no longer accepts PayPal.

About LottoMan

Aussie businessman who has discovered the advantages of buying his lottery tickets online and wants to share the knowledge with his readers
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